Managing Your Continuing Education Credits
If your credential is active and you need to add continuing education credits to either maintain your CPSGT or for a future renewal of your RPSGT or CCSH, please log into the Self Service Portal and navigate to the “Manage CEC’s” tile to get started. While you are not required to upload supporting documentation to your entries, never at any time should you discard them in the event that you are randomly selected for a BRPT Recertification Audit. Always keep your certificates somewhere safe!
If you have logged into the Self Service Portal and you do not see the “Manage CEC’s” tile, please contact [email protected].
If you are eligible to apply for recertification and wish to submit your CEC’s and your recertification application, please log into the Self Service Portal and navigate to your credential tile and click the link to “Apply for Recertification”.
If you wish to obtain a transcript of all past CEC entries for a fee of $25.00, please contact [email protected].
If you would like to learn about what types of CEC’s the BRPT will accept for your renewal, please visit our Recertification Guidelines.